The Mosquito – Summer Pest!

Mosquitoes Defined According to Wikipedia, mosquitoes are defined as: “… small, midge-like flies which compose the family Culicidae. The females of most species are ectoparasites”. It’s not the “flies” part that bothers me so much — it’s the “ectoparasites” part. The reason is that a female mosquito’s hypodermic-like proboscis penetrates my skin in order to […]
The Graceful and Not so Common Loon

Several years ago, a good friend asked why I had never done an article on the Common Loon. I had no plausible explanation. Reflecting for a moment, I made the promise that I would do some research and write the article. What I cannot understand is why it has taken me all this time to […]
Palomar Knot

Often mistakenly called the Palmer Knot, the Palomar Knot is arguably one of the best knots to know how to tie – especially for the avid fisherman. It is an extremely easy knot to tie, exceptionally strong, and very popular with bass fishermen for tying on jigs and worm hooks. It’s also the only knot […]
Lightning: A Serious Hazard While Fishing

It is really difficult to know exactly where to start when talking about lightning; there is so much known and written about it. For starters, a thunderstorm can be defined as any storm that contains lightning and thunder. And at any given moment, there are about 1800 thunderstorms of various intensities occurring around the earth […]
How to Make Your Own Lindy Rigs

When I first went walleye fishing on Lake Kabetogama in 1972, I quickly learned that the method used there to fish was quite different from what I had previously known. The resort owner told us that we needed to “use a heavy sinker above the snap swivel and bump the bottom with a long leader”. […]
Mayfly Secrets for Walleye Anglers

Who cares about mayflies? Fish do. The pesky critter in question is from the class Insecta and goes by the scientific order name of Ephemeroptera. Beyond that, it gets confusing. However, the first part of the word comes from the Greek word ephemeros, which means “lasting for a remarkably brief period of time.” The second […]
Freshwater Lake Algae – The Good & Bad

Not long ago, I read an article about algae that was adapted from a book called Lake Watch: A Guide to the Care of the Yahara Lakes, written by several distinguished authors from the University of Wisconsin. I thought I would share with you some of the information gleaned from that article. What is / […]
Rice Lake Ice Fishing

Many years ago, it became increasingly obvious that the traffic heading north out of Eau Claire was far too great to be handled by a two-lane highway; a four-lane version had to be built. And as is the case in many similar situations, small towns along “old” US 53 – soon almost forgotten – were […]
Equipment for Ice Fishing

Necessary Gear for Ice Fishing As I prepare for my ultimate and full entry into the world of ice fishing, I have decided that — although I’m sure many get by with less; obviously more is always possible. There are definitely several items of equipment that I consider to be essential. At the very least, […]
Lake Delavan Ice Fishing

As I stated in my very first article on the topic: “Winter sports are surely not for the faint of heart. But if the hustle-bustle rat race and other stresses have got you feeling that you want to scream, my suggestion would be to head north for a little getaway.” Seems like it was time […]