Annual Greater Wisconsin Musky Tournament – Day One

The common name is Muskellunge – Musky for short. The scientific name is: Esox masquinongy. The Wisconsin DNR web site tells me that: “Esox comes from the old name for pike in Europe, masquinongy comes from the Cree ‘mashk’ meaning deformed, and ‘kinonge’ is a pike. Note: Although no longer sponsored by Berghoff, this tournament […]
How to Fillet Bluegills & Other Panfish

I’m not really sure where the name pan-fish came from. My sense is that they were just small fish that were scaled, gutted and gilled and tossed into the fry pan. They go by myriad names – like bream, sunfish, blue bream, sun perch, blue sunfish, sunfish, sunperch, coppernose, copperbelly or bluegills – and are […]