Fishing & Boating in the Northwoods

Fish Recipes

Years ago, when I realized that I liked to eat fish as much as I liked to catch them, I also realized that just dipping a fillet into some sort of batter and frying it was going to get boring after a while — especially if I were going to eat fish on a fairly regular basis. And so began the quest of trying to determine just how many ways a walleye — or any other freshwater fish — could be successfully prepared, and which fish recipe would best lend itself to any particular occasion or menu.

There were a lot of fish recipes that I discovered and attempted; much experimentation took place, and lots of sources were consulted. The walleye recipes were also tried with blue gills, northern pike, bass, crappie, perch and smelt. I even substituted salt-water varieties for my freshwater choices, and suddenly a whole new world opened up.

If you’re not sure how to clean or fillet your catch, check out my fish filleting articles!

R. Karl

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R. Karl

Angler, Author & Epicure

Fishing since the age of eight.  Seriously writing since the age of 16. Chef and foodie from the age of 22 years… and counting. So much to learn and so little time. I have enjoyed every minute of it all.  Whether on the water (where I like it best), in the kitchen, or at the keyboard, churning out content, I feel like I have found my place.  I am sharing it with you in the hope that some of what I love to do will rub off on you. I hope to see you On the Lake!

R. Karl