Fishing & Boating in the Northwoods

Sounds of Silence

boat at breakfast point

And no, I am not referring to the Sounds of Silence Simon & Garfunkel album from 1966. This is something completely – or at least mostly – unrelated. Writer’s Block Writer’s block is something of which I am familiar. Personally, I have never had the pleasure (notice my tongue embedded firmly in my cheek) of […]

Bronko Nagurski & the Kabetogama Connection

bronko statue

Many thanks to Ed Oerichbauer, curator at the Bronko Nagurski Museum in International Falls, Minnesota, for his helpful information and insight. A conversation with him ultimately helped me determine the proper direction for the article that follows. (This page may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure about affiliate links here.) Super Bowl XVIII Coin Toss […]

The Popcorn Connection – and How I Found It

Popcorn in Ceramic Bowl

OK, OK… So, it’s not exactly a discovery. At least not in the same fashion as, say, Columbus discovering America or Fermilab discovering a new particle.  But my popcorn discovery –  at least to me – is almost as significant.  More on that later. (This page may contain affiliate links. See our disclosure about affiliate […]

The Finest of Times

rain in the distance of Lake Kabetogama

Today’s pace is, admittedly, much different & much faster than the one I can remember from the years during which I grew up. Nonetheless, a family vacation is still one of the best opportunities to reconnect with the ones who are most dear to you. (This page may contain affiliate links, which means I may […]