Madison’s Capital Brewery

Several times before, I’ve mentioned that May is a great time to embark on an adventure! I like the month of May, cold as it sometimes may be here in the Midwest. May brings back a verdant green to the landscape and chases the harshness of winter blues back to the depths of one’s memory, […]
Stevens Point Brewery – Point Beer

The most difficult part of driving north into Wisconsin is extricating one’s self from the tangle of traffic and urban sprawl west of Chicago. Once that has been successfully accomplished, the remainder of the journey is relatively painless. Oh, except for the portion around Madison north to the Dells area. This time our destination is […]
Leinenkugel’s Brewery in Chippewa Falls

Every year – actually twice per summer – I would pass the sign for Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. But I never found a reason or the time to stop. After all, I am on my way to go fishing, much farther to the north. This year, however, was different. I found out that there was a […]
Green County & Huber Brewery

I have read that: “Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish… and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” And while I don’t necessarily agree with that philosophy, I certainly do enjoy a cold brew as much as the next […]