Basic White Sauce Recipe

I used this basic recipe and added some inexpensive champagne and a slice of mango for flavor and… voila: a quick and easy champagne-mango white sauce for my grilled walleye fillet! With your newly acquired knowledge of fish velouté and simple white sauce, you’re ready to be as creative as you like. The featured photo […]
Tartar Sauce Recipe

A great tartar sauce is so easy to make. Yet there are so many restaurants that don’t make it fresh. They usually end up buying a whopping big jar from one of the food distributors. It is pretty blah, at best. (This page may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission […]
Mango Hollandaise Sauce Recipe

Now here’s an easy, no-brainer recipe of mine for a sauce that will really add some pizzazz to what may have been a somewhat blah piece of fish using mango! It will work equally well on fried, broiled or even grilled fish like walleye, northern pike, perch or bass! In the photo shown, I also […]
Fish Stock & Velouté Recipe

Before I get into how to make fish stock, it’s interesting to note that there are really only five basic sauces – starting points – from which all other sauces begin. Referred to as “mother sauces”, each is literally the head, or mother, of its own unique family of sauces it can produce. Each has, […]