Fishing & Boating in the Northwoods

Sounds of Silence

boat at breakfast point

And no, I am not referring to the Sounds of Silence Simon & Garfunkel album from 1966. This is something completely – or at least mostly – unrelated. Writer’s Block Writer’s block is something of which I am familiar. Personally, I have never had the pleasure (notice my tongue embedded firmly in my cheek) of […]

The Life and Times of Mr. Pike

mouth of northern pike

Also known by some as Jack, Jackfish, Wolf, Gator, or Pickeral, Mr. Pike (Esox lucius) has always seemed to have just a bit of an image problem. Its scientific name in fact, is derived from Latin, and literally means “water wolf”. It is a carnivorous fish. There are many who would select the Northern Pike […]

How to Make Your Own Lindy Rigs

tying a lindy rig

When I first went walleye fishing on Lake Kabetogama in 1972, I quickly learned that the method used there to fish was quite different from what I had previously known. The resort owner told us that we needed to “use a heavy sinker above the snap swivel and bump the bottom with a long leader”. […]

Filleting Walleye and Sauger – Step by Step

Walleye catch

When I was about 10 years old, my father took the family to Ontario, Canada to a place called Lac de Milles Lacs. I had no clue where I was, but it was gorgeous and way back in the woods. My mom didn’t complain, but my sister was not very happy with the accommodations… This […]