Fishing & Boating in the Northwoods

Klondike Days in Eagle River WI

True or False: The days following August 16, 1896, when George Washington Carmack pried a gold nugget from the bed of Rabbit Creek in the Klondike area of the Yukon were collectively referred to as “Klondike Days”. (This page may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you click through […]

Madison’s Capital Brewery

Several times before, I’ve mentioned that May is a great time to embark on an adventure! I like the month of May, cold as it sometimes may be here in the Midwest. May brings back a verdant green to the landscape and chases the harshness of winter blues back to the depths of one’s memory, […]

The Wisconsin Dells – Cars, Trains & Ducks, Oh My!

Rarely do I need to look for a reason for a vacation or a “getaway”. Although I could easily find one if I needed… And like a fair number of you, I do believe that a plan is necessary. The Spontaneity Factor After all, a lot of the fun is in the planning of an […]

Wisconsin Rapids & Nekoosa, WI

Another trek – would this time take us to Wisconsin Rapids and the area roads that are now known as The Cranberry Highway. For this excursion, we left the suburbs of Chicago just before 2:00 PM on a Friday afternoon and headed north on Interstate 90-94. Just north of Madison, Wisconsin we turned onto State […]

A Madison, Wisconsin Getaway

Just an easy two-and-a-half-hour drive from the western suburbs of Illinois brings you to an interesting and lively location with what must seem – at first – a strange trademark: “Lake. City. Lake”. Of course, I’m referring to Madison, Wisconsin! (This page may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if […]

Annual Greater Wisconsin Musky Tournament – Day One

The common name is Muskellunge – Musky for short. The scientific name is: Esox masquinongy. The Wisconsin DNR web site tells me that: “Esox comes from the old name for pike in Europe, masquinongy comes from the Cree ‘mashk’ meaning deformed, and ‘kinonge’ is a pike. Note: Although no longer sponsored by Berghoff, this tournament […]

Hayward WI – Fishing Hall of Fame

On one of our road trips into Wisconsin, I collected a postcard with a picture of a two-story high musky at a place called the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward, WI. This page may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. […]

Mars Resort & Bar – Lake Geneva WI

Sometimes, a short excursion is better than no excursion at all. And so, at the end of a very long week, Heidi and I decided to head a short distance north to one of our favorite dinner venues: a small restaurant on the shores of Lake Como (just north of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin). It’s called […]

How to Make Your Own Lindy Rigs

When I first went walleye fishing on Lake Kabetogama in 1972, I quickly learned that the method used there to fish was quite different from what I had previously known. The resort owner told us that we needed to “use a heavy sinker above the snap swivel and bump the bottom with a long leader”. […]

Zephyr Dinner Train – Stillwater MN

It’s pretty easy to fall into the same old “flowers and chocolate” trap for Valentine’s Day. This year, I decided to look for something different, something unique. Perhaps a “yeah, that’s it, a romantic getaway!” But where to go was the big question. This needed to be something very special, and not so close by. […]

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